Sale!A triad of orthogonal Helmholtz coils that allow to create a uniform magnetic field, fixed or rotating, inside a sphere of 60 cm in diameter, or a cubic one of 35x35x35 cm3 (27U CubeSat). The Helmholtz Cage can be used both to cancel the Earth's magnetic field and generate an area with a magnetic field very close to zero, and to produce a magnetic field of intensity up to 4G (up to 5G for short periods), oriented at will in space, both fixed and slowly rotating (up to 1 revolution per second).
Sale!An easy-to-use heater for various testing or teaching applications.
A set of five Alluminum surfaces, 10x10 cm2 (the size of a 1U CubeSat), painted with the following colors: black, white, red, blue, pure Aluminum They are mainly intended for thermographic measurements and for teaching and measuring the effects of color on thermal heating, thermal absorption and thermal radiation.
A WiFi-enabled 6-sensor data logger and integrated controller with two controllable power outputs. It is able to simultaneously collect and process data from 6 different sensors via as many SPI interfaces or analog channels and control two power outputs, up to 20V, 150W (total). It is compatible with all SpaceMotionery sensors and actuators.
Teaching material for a set of didactical experiments to be performed on Solar Panel Converters. Material is based on the schematic entry tool KiCAD (freely available from Iternet) Price on request